I know it has been a long time since we have posted, so here is a quick update on our family. Hopefully I will have a chance to post new pictures next week.
Rylie is almost 18 months and is doing great. Monday we took her pacifer away. Actually, we made her throw it away. So far she has done good. Tonight before bed was the first time she has asked for it. She cried for a little over an hour and is now sound asleep. She is doing really good so far and will hopefully keep it up. Believe it or not she is already asking about going potty. I wasn't going to even try and potty train her until she could say the word potty, and she learned how last week. We have bought her a little potty but haven't started working on it yet. I am not planning on pushing the issue, but will let her use it right now as she is interested. So far we have done a lot of sitting, but no potty. She is loving playing though. We have also moved her into a toddler bed. She loves it!!! She is likes being able to climb up and put herself to bed. She has only fallen out once in the two weeks she has had it.
Now for Reagan. She is 4 months old and is getting so big!!! For the first few months she wasn't putting on much weight and they were watching her. They figured out she was allergic to diary. They had me move her to soy formula and she sprouted over night. In a weeks time she moved from 0-3 being big all the way into 3-6 fitting really good!!! She loves to play. She can reach up grab toys that are hanging above her. She can roll from her tummy to back and loves being on the floor. That is pretty much all she does.
Mike and I have been really busy. We started a new company in January that I primary run. It is a window fashions company. I have been selling custom window treatments and so far it has been really busy. This weekend we have our third home show of the year. They are long weekends, but they have been getting us good business. With this business and the other company Mike mainly runs PLUS two young kids, we are running all the time. We are both adjusting and finding a good routine. For more info on the new company, check out our website:
http://Hoskinson.v2k.comBethany (my sister) watches the kids 3 days a week for me and that has been great. I love dropping them off where they love to be. Rylie looks forward to going over and playing with her cousin Caden. He will be 3 in June. They manage to get into a lot of trouble together. Bethany has nicknamed them the sheriff & deputy!! Caden is teaching Rylie a lot of things - mostly good:)
Sorry for the long post. Hopefully this has gotten you caught up on our family. I will try and post pictures next week.