We got both of the girls new beds!! We are ready to move Reagan to a bed and we have tested it out and she does good. I am really excited because we need more space for toys and between the two beds we get 4 more drawers, YEAH!!!! We also bought Rylie new bed sheets & stuff. It is Disney Princess. She is really into them right now. We decided to pass Rylies on to Reagan. It isn't even a year old and Reagan won't know. We hated to do that but we decided when she gets Rylie's age we will let her pick it out. This is actually what Rylie asked Santa for. She saw it set-up in sears and when we passed by freak out!! It was really cute. She asked for and I told her not today. Then she said, "Santa?" with raised eyes. I told Mike and he said not until we moved (hopefully soon!!). He surprised today and said lets go shopping for new beds. I can't wait until she sees it!!!! Here is a picture of the bedding from Target: