I was induced at 5:30 AM Wednesday morning and Aiden was born at 7:30 PM that night. He weighed in at 8 lbs 8 oz (10 days early!!) and was 20 1/4 inches long. Aiden throughout this pregnancy has given me a run for my money, and the labor & delivery was no different!! Just a warning, I will not be graphic, but if you don't want to hear another labor story, then just scroll down to the pics!!
I got an epidural and about 5 minutes later my blood pressure dropped to 50/29. I felt like I could not breath, it was pretty scary. The nurse was still in the room monitoring me, since this is a side effect. I was given medicine and in about 10 minutes my blood pressure was up to about 85/55, where it stayed until after he was born. I was a 2 when I went it and at 3PM I had made it to a 4 :( The girls took 17-18 hours, so I wasn't too surprised, just disappointment. At 5:30 I started to feel pressure and I has ready to push. It took 1 1/2 of pushing!! I only pushed for 20-30 minutes with both of the girls, so I was really shocked. My body never developed a good contraction rhythm, so the doctor said my body wasn't naturally helping as much and that is why it took so long.
Here are some pictures from when he was born. I know they aren't great, but I'll post more later. The hospital will take pictures here in a little bit so I post that link as well.

Here are all my sisters and Aiden. Heath is hiding in the background! Brook is expecting, she is about 8 weeks, so it won't be long and I'll get to be on the other side of this picture.

Here is Rylie, is was so good with Aiden. Don't know why I am surprised, but she was so little when Reagan was born, I wasn't really sure what to expect.

Here is Reagan. She is really excited about Aiden, and has been for a while, but as soon as he moves, cries or does anything, she is ready for someone to come and take him. She has this look on her face because she doesn't want to hold him anymore and we said we needed a picture first!!
Thank you everyone who prayed for us that day, we definitely needed and felted lifted up!!