Reagan is my firecracker baby. She is soooooo stuborn it is going to kill me. She is generally a happy, happy girl, but if you ruin her plans she gets mad quick!! My mom is always amazed at how mad she get so quick, but, she can get happy just as fast. She has grown up so much faster then Rylie it has amazed me. She sat up at 4 months, crawled around 6, and walked around 11 months. She started talking around 9-10 months and by 18 months was in full sentences.
She LOVES to sing. We have several "bible songs", as the girls call them, in the car. Some of her favorites to sing are, This little light of mine, Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, B-I-B-L-E, Father Abraham, and Who did shallow Jonah. She knows all the words the chorus and is getting better on the verus. She has learned a ton more songs at school. Her favorite school songs are Where is thumbkin and Old McDonald.
I know every parent thinks there are kids are the best, so thanks for listening to me brag on my baby on her birthday!!
Here are some pictures of Reagan. Hope you enjoy the walk down memory lane.
Reagan at 19 weeks:

Me at 25 weeks:

Reagan around 3 months:

Reagan around 5 months:

Christmas of 2007

In April 2008

In October 2008

1 comment:
Such a sweet girl! She and Sydney sound so similar...stubborn & loving to sing! They would get along beautifully!
I have heard that the second child does mature faster than the first did because they have the older child to mimic. Makes me sad for my next. Reagan sounds like such a bright gal!!
Happy Birthday Reagan!!!
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