Reagan LOVES alligators!! I am not sure why, but she loves to read about them and talks about them a lot. This is the first time we have seen the alligator this close and she loved it. His nose was right up against the glass. It was really cool.
Rylie is normally really timid, so for her to feed the birds was a really big deal. This is the first time that I had even been able to get her to go into the bird cage. You can tell she is not 100%, but she was so proud of herself afterwards. She talked about it for days. You can see Reagan in the corner or the picture covering her head. A couple of birds flew by and hit her a little so it freaked her out. She is normally my brave one!!
Rylie has gotten into wearing handbands, so of course, Reagan has too. Reagan will not let me put them on her, she does it all my herself. Being Zoo members we can get an all day pass on the train for $4 for all of us. We we also have to make a couple of rides. The girls love it. For some reason the wanted to set on all the little animals and take a picture. I have like 3-4 of these. It was funny. They kept posing and say, take a picture of us, take a picture.
1 comment:
Ah! I SO miss the Fort Worth Zoo!! It is probably one of the best zoos I've been to! We love our zoo, too, though. It's great that you can get your girls to sit still long enough to take a picture. We can barely get a picture of Sydney these days! Forget getting a good one!
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