And . . .
It's a boy!!

The girls were really excited. From the start they have said they wanted a brother. Reagan has been more insisted then Rylie. It was funny because I thought it would of been the other way around. This weekend as we were talking about the appointment Reagan told me it could be a boy or a kitty cat!! I tried to explain that those weren't the options and that God would pick for us, but she didn't want to hear anything about that.
The name will be Aiden James, or AJ. We have had that name picked out since I was pregnant with Rylie, and we are excited to finally get to use it! I guess that I can keep the blue blog for now!!
i am so, so excited for you! and i love the name! when is your due date again?!
Yay! How fun to have a little boy running around with your two girls. :) Thanks for sharing.
My due date is Feb 5th. The girls were a week early and still 8 1.2 pounds. Hopefully this baby won't get so big, I was hoping not to be induced with this one!
I know you are so happy, not that you would have been sad if you had another girl (we all know girls are fun), but you know what I mean! We are happy for y'all, congratulations!
Congratulations!! That is so exciting. Jim wanted to name our baby Aiden if it turned out to be a boy, so we love that name too!
Whoohoo!!! So glad it's a boy! :) Congrats!!!
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