I was really excited about Halloween this year. Last year we hosted a fall carnival for Reagan's birthday, so we didn't trick-or-treat. This was going to be there 1st year. All the kids met at my parents house and we actually managed to get a picture. I am going to try and list them out left to right:
Back row:
Caden, Brock, GiGi, Big Daddy, Emily, Hannah, Addie
Front Fow:
Reagan, Tristyn, Rylie
I let the girls pick out their customes and they both picked out minnie mouse. We didn't know until later that Tristyn picked that out too! They were amazed to walk out and see they were the same. It was really cute.

This next picture may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but if you really know Rylie you know how timid and quiet she is, escpecially with new things. It only took one house of getting candy for her to get the hang of it!! She was running up and knocking on doors and yelling, trick or treat. Reagan was right in the middle trying to keep up with Caden and Rylie. We had to carry her inbetween houses because she couldn't walk as fast.
Reagan got a balloon at our church carnival. She had so much fun playing with it on the way home. She was yelling and making different animals noises and it sounded so funny. She had Michael and I laughing most of the way home.
Here are the youngest girls watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at 10PM!! My girls normally go to bed at 8PM but they were still wound up to much.
REAGAN'S BDAY PARTY PICTURES!!!Reagan's party wasn't until 6pm so we went to the zoo to kill some time. I wasn't going to post anymore zoo pictures, but I got a really cute one of the girls. Reagan never lets me fix her hair. She looks so big in a ponytail!! She doesn't have a lot of hair on top, but has a lot in the back.

We had Reagan's bday party at Mcdonalds. Just with invited our immediate family and 3 other really close friends, we had 18 kids and about 16 adults. Since we are still with my parents and they are remodeling, we didn't have room. The kids had a blast. Reagan is almost always smiling, but at her party she was running around laugh and giggling. She really had a blast. All day she kept saying, "it's my party day, it's my party day". She has been waiting for her day since Rylie's party.

We didn't get a lot of good pictures, she didn't stand still long enough!! She only ate about 3 fries and 2 bites of chicken. She McDonalds we went to is really cool. It doesn't have any tunnels, just stairs so it made it really easy for the small ones. Everyone had fun. We were the only ones there so it was nice.

Reagan has talked about her McDonald cake all week. The funny thing is she doesn't like cake!! She won't eat cake, cupcakes or cookies. She enjoyed the idea of it and that everyone was singing to her though.

Her favorite present was the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse set. You can't see it in this picture, but she was beside herself with excited. It was a big box, but some how she managed to hug it and carry it around. My parents left first and took the presents. We stayed to let the girls play a little more, but when Reagan noticed her mickey mouse was gone, she started asking to go home. We set it up for her when we got home and she loved it!! It is always neat to watch them really get into something.

She also liked her barbie that she got. I was really surprised. As soon as she opened it she held it up and said, look, my barbie. I didn't know she knew what a barbie was. She has 2 of the disney princess ones, but she has always called them a princess. She loves the brush the hair.

Here is just Daddy and girls being silly. She got so tickled that Daddy looked like Mickey Mouse. Only if they would stay that easy to entertain for a while!!

If you can't tell from all the posts, the girls love the disney princess and mickey mouse. At the end of the month we are going to Disney on Ice. We got to buy tickets before they went on sell because we shop a lot of the disney store. We have front row tickets and I can't wait. I think they are going to love it!!