Rylie is almost one, just 2 weeks until her 1st birthday. I can't believe it. I know it has been a while since I posted any pictures, so here are a few.

These are from the 4th of July. We spent the day at a friend's house and Rylie had fun playing with the other kids.

Mike bought a new ceiling fan for our room (YEAH!!!!) and Rylie was "helping" him put it up.
Over the past week Rylie has really been trying to walk. She can, but just doesn't really want to. Here she is standing and having a drink. She has really good balance, just a little scared. On Wed Aug 30th she took about 10 steps together. Before that she had just taken about 3. Yesterday she was walking a lot more on her own, not just cause we were making her. She is slow so if she sees something she really wants, she drops down and crawls for it.
This picture was just taken today. She feel asleep while she was having lunch. Right before this she was actually still eating with her eyes closed. Needless to say, she had as much food in her lap as she ate when I took her out. She must of been really tired, she never even woke-up when I cleaned her face and hands or put her in bed!! It was really cute.
Believe it or not, Rylie cut her two top molars 2 weeks ago. They normally come in around 18 months, but she just couldn't wait. Her bottom 2 molars are trying to come in now and she has been a handful. These back teeth have been the toughest so far. Mike has even sleep on the couch one night because Rylie wouldn't sleep anywhere but with me. I am not sure who got more sleep, if I even moved her a little bit she would wake-up and crawl back on me. Hopefully she gets these last 2 teeth in before Reagan is born.
At my last doctors visit, my dr was not really happy with how big Reagan was measuring. Rylie weighed 8 1/2 pounds and she was a week early. He is worried about how big Reagan will be if I carry full term. He won't say until it gets closer, but he is thinking he might induce me 1 or 2 weeks early. That means I could only have 6-7 weeks left!!! YEAH!!!!!! We are having a 3-D sonogram tomorrow. Hopefully we will get some good pictures and I will post them. I am very excited to see how they compare to Rylie's 3D sonogram.