She is smiling because I haven't put sunscreen on yet. She hated it!!! Advice for those of you with babies-don't buy the spray sunscreen. It is quick, but very, very cold. I don't even like putting it on me. We bought normal sunscreen and had a lot less crying, but still crying.

She loved her little float. She would sit back and relax on the headrest and just float. She is holding a little hippo that is made for the bath-it tells you if the water is too hot. It is her favorite bath toy and she won't swim without it. She stayed in the pool for 2 hours. I swam for about an hour of it. It was a great way for us to exercise together.

Now it is time to get in the bath and get cleaned up. She wasn't too excited about getting put back in water, but she got over it pretty quick. She loves to take a bubble baths. She thinks it is fun to try and find her toys under the bubbles. It is one big game of peek-a-boo.

After we got dressed, she was still ready to play!!! I thought she would go straight to bed after being outside all day, but not her!! She is playing in the end table at the hotel. She put toys up and pulled the out all week. She finally figured out how to climb in.

She finally crashes and sleeps most of the night. We got up a few times, but she cut her 7th tooth this night. She holds on to the quilt my mom made-she doesn't go anywhere without. She won't sleep without it either.

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