Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Forgot 1 thing!
Dr Appointments and Sunday
Rylie - 65% in Height
85% in Weight
She is eating like a horse, so we think those will even out in the next couple of weeks. She is normally pretty even and right at 85% in height too.
Reagan - 50% in Weight
10% in Height!!
After the dr saw that, she asked me, is she short or did we measure wrong? It was really funny. We have been wondering if Reagan was short or not. It is kind of hard to tell because Rylie is so tall. The girls are only a year apart, but they don't look it!! You would think I would be lucky enough for Reagan to be able to wear Rylie's clothes from the year before, but no!! The clothes are too big!! Reagan is in 2T pants. Rylie wore 18 months at a year and 3T at 2 years. Oh well, I think to dress them the same anyways.
We had a really busy day on Sunday. We did Reagan's baby dedication that morning. I know, she isn't a baby!! The last church we were at only did them once a year and we were out of town!! We started visiting churches about 3-4 months ago looking for a more active sunday school class. We found that class at First Baptist Mansfield. We know a few of the couples from the church I grew up in and one of the couples is Robyn's younger brother. Wierd how things work out sometimes! Anyways, so we were late, but it is important to us to take the moment to dedicate ourselves to raise Reagan in a godly manner. We didn't bring a camera, but hopefully I can find someone who did and post a picture!! She did really good. I was proud!
That afternoon we went to a baby shower for Tiffany (use to be Watts). She is due in January. It was really good to see her and her sisters and mom again. It had been a little while. I took Rylie with me. She wanted to go to the baby party with all the other girls! Shelly's little girl Emily was there. She turns 4 in January so they had a lot of fun. Rylie and Emily actually ended up showing up in the same dress, it was really funny!! Here is a picture:
Monday, December 01, 2008
We bought all CD and the rights to the picture, but know I can't get them to load to the sears website to send you a link, so I just uploaded them all here. Hope you enjoy!!

Disney on Ice!!
When we got there (30 minutes early!!) Reagan kept saying, Mickey where are you?, Donald where are you? and through the list. We had a chance to buy tickets before they went on sale, and so we were able to get front row seats on the ice. I was a little worried that it might scare the girls, but they did great. At the end Reagan even got to give Baloo (From jungle book) and one of the Monkeys a high five. She talked about that rest of the night. Cinderella blew Rylie a kiss as she was riding by in the carriage. I thought Rylie was going to pass out. Her jaw dropped and she tried to blow a kiss back, but she just froze!!
The one thing we didn't realize was the it was featuring The Incredibles. Friday night they came on NBC and we happened to watch - good thing!!
This is Mickey and Minnie in Jail, the were captured during part of the show.
Then they were put into lazer jails. This was right in front of us. I didn't zoom in at all during this shot. Reagan didn't watch take her eyes off of Mickey until he was out. I couldn't figure out if she was just in ahh or worried.
And finally the are free!!
Here is Donald. I am not zoomed in on this one either!! It was really funny, at the beginning they introduced all the characters. Reagan turned to me and asked, where is Daisy?? I just laughed. With all the excited and everything else going on, she noticed Daisy wasn't there. I told her she might be sick.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Our Anniversary
Here is Rylie and Michael before we left. She is really into giving "big kisses" right now.

Here is our little family. Reagan was being silly, and I love Ryie's face trying to figure out what shhe was doing!!
The girsl LOVED dancing with GiGi and Big Daddy. Everytime they would sit down, the girls would go over and ask them to dance again.
When we got tired of dancing with them, they finally decided they could just dance by themselves. I think Rylie's face shows how much fun they had. They were both smiling the whole time.

I know this picture is dark, but this is how my parents were dancing with the girls. My dad was holding most of Reagan in one arm and then my mom's arms were underneath helping too. They wouldn't take them around the dance floor a couple of times before they put them down. I am sure my dad's arms a little sore!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Santa picture already!!
Reagan was not so excited. She kept trying to look over her shoulder, I guess to make sure Santa was going to get her!! Afterwards, he gave them a color book and again asked Reagan if she wanted anything for Christmas. She said a puppy. There happened to be a picture of a dog in the color book and when he showed her she started talking to him. She still didn't want him to hold her, but it was fun to see her open up and talk to him. She has been carrying that book around everywhere this weekend and telling anyone who wants to listen that Santa gave it to her!!

We went to a family dinner at CiCi's Pizza 2 Friday's ago. Michael couldn't go, he was working. His week had been busy, so he didn't get to see the girls much. The girls had a blast, as always with all their cousins. They got to play the candy game (the one that lets them have a turn until the win). Before I put the girls down for a nap the next day, I told them to go straight to sleep because Daddy was going to home when they woke up and we could go do something fun afterwards. Rylie told me that she wanted to take Daddy to the pizza place so he could have fun too. She want Mommy and Reagan to go too, but not GiGi or Big Daddy or anyone else. She said she didn't want anyone to talk to her daddy but her!! I couldn't help but smile. She didn't know how to say that she had missed her daddy and didn't want to share that time. I thought it was really cute and wanted to share.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Halloween and Birthday Party
Back row:
Caden, Brock, GiGi, Big Daddy, Emily, Hannah, Addie
Front Fow:
Reagan, Tristyn, Rylie
I let the girls pick out their customes and they both picked out minnie mouse. We didn't know until later that Tristyn picked that out too! They were amazed to walk out and see they were the same. It was really cute.

This next picture may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but if you really know Rylie you know how timid and quiet she is, escpecially with new things. It only took one house of getting candy for her to get the hang of it!! She was running up and knocking on doors and yelling, trick or treat. Reagan was right in the middle trying to keep up with Caden and Rylie. We had to carry her inbetween houses because she couldn't walk as fast.

We had Reagan's bday party at Mcdonalds. Just with invited our immediate family and 3 other really close friends, we had 18 kids and about 16 adults. Since we are still with my parents and they are remodeling, we didn't have room. The kids had a blast. Reagan is almost always smiling, but at her party she was running around laugh and giggling. She really had a blast. All day she kept saying, "it's my party day, it's my party day". She has been waiting for her day since Rylie's party.
We didn't get a lot of good pictures, she didn't stand still long enough!! She only ate about 3 fries and 2 bites of chicken. She McDonalds we went to is really cool. It doesn't have any tunnels, just stairs so it made it really easy for the small ones. Everyone had fun. We were the only ones there so it was nice.

Reagan has talked about her McDonald cake all week. The funny thing is she doesn't like cake!! She won't eat cake, cupcakes or cookies. She enjoyed the idea of it and that everyone was singing to her though.

Her favorite present was the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse set. You can't see it in this picture, but she was beside herself with excited. It was a big box, but some how she managed to hug it and carry it around. My parents left first and took the presents. We stayed to let the girls play a little more, but when Reagan noticed her mickey mouse was gone, she started asking to go home. We set it up for her when we got home and she loved it!! It is always neat to watch them really get into something.

She also liked her barbie that she got. I was really surprised. As soon as she opened it she held it up and said, look, my barbie. I didn't know she knew what a barbie was. She has 2 of the disney princess ones, but she has always called them a princess. She loves the brush the hair.

Here is just Daddy and girls being silly. She got so tickled that Daddy looked like Mickey Mouse. Only if they would stay that easy to entertain for a while!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Reagan is my firecracker baby. She is soooooo stuborn it is going to kill me. She is generally a happy, happy girl, but if you ruin her plans she gets mad quick!! My mom is always amazed at how mad she get so quick, but, she can get happy just as fast. She has grown up so much faster then Rylie it has amazed me. She sat up at 4 months, crawled around 6, and walked around 11 months. She started talking around 9-10 months and by 18 months was in full sentences.
She LOVES to sing. We have several "bible songs", as the girls call them, in the car. Some of her favorites to sing are, This little light of mine, Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, B-I-B-L-E, Father Abraham, and Who did shallow Jonah. She knows all the words the chorus and is getting better on the verus. She has learned a ton more songs at school. Her favorite school songs are Where is thumbkin and Old McDonald.
I know every parent thinks there are kids are the best, so thanks for listening to me brag on my baby on her birthday!!
Here are some pictures of Reagan. Hope you enjoy the walk down memory lane.
Reagan at 19 weeks:

Me at 25 weeks:

Reagan around 3 months:

Reagan around 5 months:

Christmas of 2007

In April 2008

In October 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Petting Zoo
Here they all are, starting left to right: Reagan, Rylie, Makenna, Kaylan!! Aren't the cute?
Here is a picture of all of us girls!! We wouldn't know what to do if any of us had a boy!!
Reagan milked a cow at the petting zoo!!! I couldn't believe it. She was a little nervous at first, but the lady was really patient.
Here they are in the pumpkin patch. They each got to pick out a pumpkin. Reagan is still carrying hers around!! They loved this part. They also went through a maze. I was surprised how well the girls did.
Here is Rylie and Makenna. They are really starting to enjoy each others company. We started having play dates about once a week when they were just 3-4 months old. Know it is less then that, but they are old enough to play together. I hope they stay good friends for long time!!!
(Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to rotate the picture!!)